Special sessions focus on very specific topics and applications of interest related to the conference technical areas. All papers submitted for special sessions follow the same requirements and peer-review process as regular papers.



A prospective organizer should post a proposal for a Special Session topic indicating:

    1. Session title
    2. Session description
    3. Expected number of speakers and corresponding topics (list of possible papers)
    4. Session organizer(s) information (name, affiliation, and contact information)


Submit your proposal(s) by filling out the template which can be downloaded here and send it as a PDF to wptce2025@gmail.com before November 11, 2024.

Please use the following format for the e-mail subject and PDF file name as follows: “SpecialSession_Title_yourname”.

For any questions or informations please contant the Special Session Chairs:

  • Prof. Nuno Borges Carvalho, Universidade de Aveiro –  nbcarvalho@ua.pt 
  • Prof. Vincenzo Cirimele, University of Bologna –  vincenzo.cirimele@unibo.it
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